Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

An apartment complex in Modesto, Califorina on Tuesday, January 10,2006 three men held six to eight people on the floor at gunpoint. While the residents lied on the floor the three men stole money and possiblably drugs. One resident opened fire on one of the three men and wounded the man and vis versa. Staff of the apartment say this is a quiet nieghborhood and police reports say only nine calls to there in the last thirty years. The police are investigating if drugs were sold out of any homes, which could be a huge factor. Two of the three men were caught.

I come from Modesto and this is not surprising. I'm not saying that Modesto was dangerous or a bad place but such things don't cease to amaze me. Still I get this icky feeling inside. It always saddens me when drugs are involved. I'm not sure exactly why but hearing about people doing drugs and and fighting always gave me this weird sad feeling. I think it saddens me because I see what low levels people will go to. People will snort a little crack and ruin their lives. They act like they don't care. You see them and its sickening. I just wished people weren't so careless about their life and future. Then things like this happen and end up hurting the innocent people.
As the famous saying goes what comes around goes around and while going around smacks a couple of innocent people. It's one thing for some one not to care about themselves, but not caring about another person's safety is just incredibly selfish. You always here the same story, ' Oh if I just knew this would happen I wouldn't have done that'. So it's just a wonder as to what goes through people heads when the sell or buy drugs. They mine as well stab a couple like Alexander Koptsev. Moral of the story if your going to drugs do it by yourself in an extremely remote area.

All information from


  • At 3:20 PM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    this truth person is crazy...listen to me ashley go get the ful package from whats his name. yeah thats the real truth...wink wink.


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