Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I don't understand the whole point of this crime. I mean I do understand that this was a hate crime towards the Jews, but why. What have the Jews ever do anybody? Why is it always the Jews being attacked. First we have Hilter and now crimes like these. Why Jews? Why not Christians who go on missions to 'save' people? If I were going to attack any religious group it would be the Christians. I'm a Christian, but I see so many wholes in the beliefs that are enforced by a pastor and not written in the Bible. Take my pastor for example. One of his sermons was about nowadays people don't take a rest. They don't celebrate Sunday as a Sabbath day. He talked about how stores should be closed on Sundays. I was totally shocked. I mean what kind of idiot would make that agrument in America. Did he forget not all Americans are Christians and as Americans we have the freedom of religion? Ideas like that have occurred time again. Always the Christians saying 'Hey you need to turn Christian because your religion is wrong and mine is right'. Look in history books; look at current events. Homosexuality. Gay marriage can't be legal because the Bible says it's a sin.What is it about Jews? Is it the fact that Jews don't decorate their homes at Christmas? What a terrible thing! We can't have that can we? What is it with the Europeans and Jews? Why this hatred? I could understand a Jewish killing some Germans. I mean its still wrong but you would know why so much hatred.What I really want to know is how stupid a person must be to have the perspective that everyone from a certain ethnic or religious group or any group, must be as terrible as that one who wronged you. How could you think well I killed a couple of people but who cares they were Jews or any group? It total bogus!Go to to read full story.
# posted by Ashley Tinsley @ 8:04 PM
Hey, you stole my fucking story!!!!!!!!!!!
# posted by Richard U. Pickman : 9:57 PM
Greetings, o' unsaved one, and may the gods bless your steps...I am Rizeer, Headleader of and organization called the Order of the Rising Sun, and organization devoted to the downfall of the Republicrat's rule of lies over Subtopia. If you would like to learn more about our organization, go to ORDERSUN.BLOGSPOT.COM......Expect more...
# posted by Rizeer : 9:59 PM
Leave you freak of nature I'll find u & neutur u!!!!!
# posted by Ashley Tinsley : 9:30 AM
U no wat alton if ur gonna leave such comment at l;et have the guts 2 say ur real name! altsan77!


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