Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Clenbuterol is a pill orginally used on horses for asthma, but has been used to lose wait. This pill, if taken by a human being, makes the person very skinny, quickly. At first only body builders used it, because you lost fat and not muscle. Most recently, however, it is used by celebrities. We've all seen the magazines' So and so is skinnier then so ans so. So and so has gained five pounds!'. The pressure on celebrities is so heavy they will do to deadly measures to look thin. The pill is illegal, but it sold and discussed widely on the web. When being sold, the comuster is not informed of its deadly side affects. The side affects include nerve spasm or the effect of ' three pots of coffee'. The pill, if taken long enough can kill a person.My opinion as always; why die fat if you can die skinny! It's ridulcous what extreme measures celebraties will go to loss weight. It's even more riduclous is the magazines. First the magazine will say so and so has gained wieght, look at that fat peice of lard!' Then when the celebratity does lose wieght then the magazine writes ' Fought blemaia or anerexia why did they go through that? The media puts lots of pressure on them to be thin'. They acknowledge they might have been the reason of someone's eating disorder but act as though they could care less. It's totally absurb! And when the media says some one is fat, the celebratity usually has the average wieght.Another question is what is happening to stop this drug from being sold? The problem has been made public and no reports say that any actions to stop it have been made. So it leaves to wonder whats going on. I mean we get in an uproar when we see Janet Jaskson's boob, but when we hear about a pill that is dangerous and is being marketed without telling the customer the side affects we do nothing. Janet's breast didn't kill anyone and we went into an immediate uproar, but now we're just like oh really wow. I don't understand.All my information was from


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