Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Russian Adverstisment Bill

The Russian bill of adverstisong is once again a hot issue. This bill regu;ates what can and cannot be adverstised. Two big industries, if the bill passes, will be hit hard, extremely hard. First there is the adverstising of beer. This bill prohibits beer to be adverstised. Just imagaine that, no holiday Budwiser commericals or Super Bowl commericals! The beer industry, however, makes a very interesting point. If they no longer can adverstis, the sports compitetions cannot either, as the beer industry sponsors that. Then there is the adverstising of junk food on children programs. No Mickey D's, no Chips Ahoy!, and no Dr. Pepper commericals. What would the most obese country ( U.S. of course) do without them? Like the beer industry, the junk food industry supports children television. The last issue this bill hits, is the issue i don't quiet, understand. The bill, if passed, will ban all billboards. Why? I know some have some nasty stuff on them, but what about the car billboards, or store billboards? They believe this out of all the bans will be the least likely to be allowed. Story from:

This bill I find is very interesting. At first I thought, never in America, but look at our country. We can't say damn on the television, becasue God knows that no American would have never heard that word if it weren't for the television. I mean a bill like this is already kind of enforced and will probably progress as time goes on. A ban on beer? No, without beer we lose some American tradition. Budwiser commericals have become a tradition. Even if you don't like beer you have to admit those commericals are off the hook. The ban on junk food adverstisments, I feel is a good thing. I mean if the parents won't put their two hundred, okay overwieght kid, on Jenny Craig somebody has to save them from a heart attack at age twenty-five. The billborad as I have said I don't understand, but I don't think will ever happen in America. I mean what would Times Square be without billboards. This bill couls help the American society in a lot of ways, but if we get carried on it could harm us. Also we have the right to press, but there should be some kind of restrictions, because some people just don't know when they have gone too far.


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