Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Injecting Silicon A High Risk?

As you know, and if you don't you should, that silicon has become a neccasity to many American women. From the breats up to the face it can be ptu in there, either by injection or surgery. For the face silicon oil, as they call it, is injected. It has long lasting results, but not always good. For every thousand patients injected, there are four of whom recieve bumps, inflammation, or ridges. The static is very low, but so many praticianers have different views. One said it is not worth the risk as another say it is. One says such side affects only occur because of malpractice, others disagree. One practicianer agrued it's just gravity, but if it's gravity that women are fighting againist why do they use it? What are aging or just unfortunate looking American women going to do? The idea of silicon is becoming more favorable to practicianers. More favorable it may be, the practioners still worry and wonder if the patient will be happy with thier results until they pass away. Complete story from:

I would never do plastic surgery due to the fact the whole ordeal scares the living daylights out of me. Therefore I do not feel it it it wrong, just that I would never do it. If you got the guts to do it, go for it! Let's say I had the guts to go under the knife. I wouldn't because then after being cut or injected, I'm still scared of the results it could bring. You've heard the stories where people go in looking in normal, but then come out looking like road kill. I consider myself to be okay looking, not great nor terrible. I would not risk that to look better. Bad results do not only mean external problems, but internal also. If I were to get implants then I could run the risk of having one of the implants open and if not removed soon enough, death. No! I'm not going to risk my life for a double D bra!


  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger bella said…

    Ms. Tinsley:

    What a sophisticated grouping of stories. The pictures you choose greatly enhance the stories, and your commentaries are excellent. The story on the "detaining" of suspected insurgent's wives is creepy . . . I haven't heard this before, but I hope to heck we're not doing what the story says we are.

    Your usual good job. Grade A


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