Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Just Say No to Danish Legos!

Due to the offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad which were published by an independent Danish newspaper, Muslims have boycotted all Danish products, including the beloved Legos. Many supermarkets in many countries around the Middle East have put up signs saying ' Do not buy any Danish products' or they just have taken Danish products of the shelves. This boycott, the Muslims say, will not come to an end until the Danish government publishes a formal apology. The Danish government says they have no business with the newspaper, that did apologize, but published the cartoon, citing freedom of speech. This boycott has not only caused controversy, but also, great losses for the Danish incorporations. They're grossings this year will be lower by a couple of millions. One twenty-three year old Danish man, by the name of Tijl Vercaemer, has started his own website ( to help the Danish incorporations by selling stickers. The price of the stickers range from one to fifteen dollars. Vercaemer says it is not to financially help the Danish corporations, but raise morale. Intentions, however, exceeded, the corporations say that the 'Buy Danish' campaigns could bring more income then they will lose in the boycott. All information from

At first I was with the Muslims, because you can't do dissing a people's Prophet, that's just like Bush writing his own speeches; terrible beyond belief! Besides, it doesn't hurt to say sorry, unless you have a cold or something, and I'm sure one Danish government official doesn't have a cold. Then I read where the newspaper said sorry. I changed sides. Go Danish people! First they did apologize, and they have the right to making cartoons about Muhammad. If they did a cartoon with Satan, do you think any of this would happen? No, but Satan is some people's superior or whatever. Besides, if you don't like something just say no. Say no I cannot see Prophet Muhammad in cartoons and walk away. The Muslims say they are afraid of idolarty, well you weren't publishing them, so let the Danish get punished, its effect will be greater than your boycott. This just goes to far.


  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    i'm not muslim i'm jamacian because i dailed 111-1111 and they were linked operating and then it beeped and i told it your not jamacian i'm jamacian now shut up! then i'd repeat it over and over again!


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