Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Super Bowl Censorship Too Much or Too Little?

Millions of viewers onFebruary 6, 2006 tuned into their televisions to watch the half time show featuring the legendary band the Rolling Stones. As Rolling Stone fans know their lyrics aren't what you would call pure but you wouldn't call them explicit either. The censorship that ABC put on the band, however, made it sound as if they were. Mick Jagger, the leading singer says that the censorship was ridiculous. Brian McCarthy, the NFL spokesman, says that the group was aware of the censorship. But just because they knew about it doesn't mean they liked or agreed with it. We all know about the lack of censorship the Super Bowl has shown us but is this an over kill. The men of Rolling Stones don't have breasts to flash so whats the big deal with lyrics that imply sexual conduct. If we were to censor that, we, Americans would basically have nothing to watch on television. Another thing about this since the Janet Jackson breast exposure the Super Bowl half time shows have been awfully safe. Take last year, with Paul McCarthy. That was way too safe to go for. When you think of football you don't think about an old man playing the piano. No! You think of rock stars. Information from either myself or

If you haven't figured out by the spin I put on my summary I believe the censorship was ridiculous. Seriously, by this age you can understand such lyrics as ' I can't get no girlie action', but if your five your like what? So what was the point of censoring out indications of sex in the lyrics. Lets say you were a genius when you were five and you did know. Do you really catch all the lyrics to a song when you here them for a first time? Getting off of the subject of five year olds lets move on to older people. As I have said earlier Rolling Stones are legendary so chances of people being fans is big. Chances are you probably know some of the dirty lyrics so leaving them out doesn't mean anything to you. You know what was said in that big gap. Going back to youngsters, if your a parent then you probably know what kind of things are said in a Rolling Stones song, so get your kids out of the room! It's ridiculous. To me censorship of any kind is dumb. Was I offended by Janet's boob, no, I was shocked but it gave me some thing to talk about. One day you will see or hear dirty things, so does it matter when? If you've ever meet someone totally ignorant then you know that they're usually annoying so really do us a favor and flash boobs on televisions!


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