Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Diabetes of Cleveland

The Cleveland brothers, Robert and Gerald have been living with diabetes since they were young. Robert is now eighty-six and has been on a diabetic diet since he was five. Gerald is also on a diabetic diet and has been since he was sixteen and is now ninety. People with diabetes do not live as long with diabetes as these two brothers. Yes, genetics had a minor role in their survival but their strict diet and plenty of exercise plays a bigger role. These two avoid starch and sugar but get in the way of exercise, even at their elderly age. Robert is an avid bicyclist as Gerald goes to an exercise group for the elderly. Both men have gone through the several changes of dealing with diabetes. From the glass and thick steel syringes, from insulin with loaded impurities, and having to urinate for sugar content. Both men have a couple of cuts an bruises due to their health condition. One injury they share is the problems that diabetes brings down to your feet and thus both have had toes amputated. Gerald has had his blood sugar soar and caused a fever which hindered his ability to fight infections. He also had his blood sugar go extremely low that caused him to grew dizzy and cut his head. He undergoes surgery to prevent his hands going into permanent fists. Robert has also suffered from low blood sugar which nearly caused him his life but instead gave him a coma. Both brothers share the secret ingredient to staying alive, their wives, Gerald's wife, unfortunately has passed away. For complete story go to

This story hit home, as I have a very high risk of getting diabetes since on both of parents' sides have a history of playing with the disease. These kinds of stories give hope to people with or without diabetes. It gives you hope that the human body can fight against such odds. The two brothers talk to youngsters with diabetes which helps the process of spreading hope. These men have endured diets that I am sure myself and others would struggle to keep. All I have to say to the elderly men is 'keep on truckin'!


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