Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Too Many Consumer's Rights or Just Loopholes?

In Russia many companies have been dealing with lawsuits against them. Some agrue that it is because the companies could care less for the consumer and others say the consumers just want money. The latest case of such going ons is the sukhariki rat. Sukhariki is a salted bread snack that costs six rubles, or tweny-five cents, and the three men that barfed after seeing a rat in thier snack are trying to get fifty million rubles, or 1.7 million dollars. They lack evidence which could point to they had made this incident up all by themselves. This case once again raises the rights and doing of consumers and companies. The comapnies makes a good point that some of the rights that consumers have are absurd. Reasons as to why so many cases are being filed againist companies are basically summed up to three. One, being that companies have no rights compared to consumers. Two consumers do not have to pay a court fee when suing a company. Three the most obvious reason, consumers want money and lots of it. Ridiculous cases such as McDonalds being sued for having too small a label saying warning it's hot coffee. Yep, just like us Americans, and you thought you were better. For full story go to

From the article I read it did seem that the consumers have it way too easy. There were some good examples when the consumer needed to sue, but way more examples when the consumer must have been mentally ill or unstabled. I don't think the consumers realize what their fraud can do. It can close all the companies down then no products at all. The article stated that Western companies were more likely to take back a product because they care about their image and they can afford to lose a little bit of money. Small companies cannot. This is a big problem. Russia needs to have more regulations so Russian don' t do the American thing and go on a suing spree. What is this world coming to when people put rats in thier food?


  • At 4:42 PM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    personally i think that they are loopholes! i mean come on too many customers rights is sooo overated and you know it.
    Much Love (and $)
    million dollar male order bride


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