Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

German Death Nurse

After a series of mysterious deathes in Kempten, Germany justice is has finally come into sight. Stephan L, a twenty-seven male nurse, confesses he injected lethal combinations into several patients. The number being to great, that he cannot remember. He none like Americans, actually say that it was because of their own judgement well in a normal state of mind. Basically, he did not claim to hear voices in his head telling him to combine narkosemittel and a breathing restaining medicine and then inject it into patients. He admits to using his own descretion as when patients need to pass away into the next world. He is not getting away easily as this is the largest series of murders of German post war history. He's charges are as follows:" 16-facher murder, twelvefold homicide, a toetung on demands." Complete story and all information and quotes from

I'm not sure if Germany has laws againist assisted suicide, but from the sounds of this story it doesn't sound like it does. This story amazes me in every way. First we have a story that is just horrifing. Then we have a criminal who blames only his sane self for the crime. This criminal is only twenty-seven and is a nurse. He's nurse who feels he can give out death prescriptions to patients. Most American nurses would be unsure of themsleves and not have the confidence to give out prescriptions of any kind. Not only is he a nurse but he's young. Only twenty-seven and his career has already be corrupted. I didn't understand the charges. I tried to look them up in a dictionary but no such words. This German story I found very hard to understand as with my Russian stories I have no problem. It might have to do with the translation. With both my Russian and German stories I find a lot of stories very queer to my American lenses. These countries deal with problems that I'm not so sure America would have to deal with, but who knows.


  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    what a little bastard. i mean come on he's even worse than my sister and thought her anorexia was bad. but lethal injections. DAMN!


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