Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Russian Army converting to Russian Orthodox?

The Russian army hopes to recruit Orthodox chaplains in order to increase morale. The Russians like the Americans believe in separation of church and state. So obviously other religious are making this point. They also accuse the Orthodox church of trying to monopolize their religion in the army. You would think that the Orthodox church would only be guilty in having believers in high places in the military. Wrong, the Orthodox church is calling other religions such as Protestants cults. This war isn't obviously just between the the Orthodox church and other religions, but surprisingly the army has a minor role ( I'm being sarcastic about the surprising and minor part.). The amry's agrument is that in units that have an Orthodox church, have less rates of suicide and hazing than in ones that don't. The army is split in two, however. The people in the army of other religions do not appreciate being ostracize. So as you see two wars are being fought. What does the President of Russia have to say about this? I'm sorry to say that he did not directly say anything about the Orthodox church. However, he did comment that the army needs to have better moral education. All information obtained from

I do think it is a good idea for the army to have the Orthodox chaplains recruited. However, I do believe that the army should also provide members or workers, whatever you call them, from other religions also enlisted. Give them a choice and don't make them feel ostracize. That way all people of any religion can have morale. The people who don't have religion can just not participate. One thing that I was interesting was that a person in military cannot participate in any religious activity while in active duty, they must do so as a private citizen. I understand that this law was created to leave out this problem that Russians are currently dealing with, but I think its gone too far. Let them practice what they want, they're out there risking their lives for Russia. So basically what I am trying to convey to you is that religion, any one, is good for the army. It keeps their troops going.


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