Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Joe Mama!

That's right! Janise Wulf, a sixty-two year old woman, Redding resident, gave birth to Adam Charles Wulf. Aren't you proud to say you live three hours away from this women? America has to be totally awesome if we have hospitals like Mercy Medical Centre letting old women get virto fertilization and then a caesarean section. This women is extraordinary! She is a mother of twelve, well was, two died. Then come thirty grandchildren and now three great grandchildren. She is a diabetic and blind. She has a three year old, Ian also. She brought Adam into this world so that she Ian would have a sibling, because as the wise woman says " I hate to raise one alone." She must be quite a hottie, having Scott a forty-eight year old as her third husband. Scott cool too, because he is only eight years older than Janise's eldest. Still Janise rocks, because she is now one of the oldest women to give birth but unfortunately, Adriana Iliescu of Romania (66), and Acheli Keh of California (63) beat her, but, Rosanna Della Corte of Italy (62) tied her. This information I did not read in a local, California, or US paper, but an Australian one! All information from

I'm sorry this is just disgusting! I respect my elders, but you guys got to learn when you've gone too far. Those poor doctors having to see new flesh against, well you know. Poor Adam, man when he's a youngster his mama is going to die! Before she does, he'll have evil little children make 'Joe mama' jokes at him. 'Hey Adam, joe mama so old that before sex she has to check her blood pressure!' I mean come think about us youngsters! Scott, man he must be ugly! I mean not only did he marry an old lady, but a blind one too. That's sad that you can't get laid by just an old lady, but she has to be blind too. I guess I should thank God he's not groping me or other innocent females. I mean most people that are that desperate are rapists. Australians, I would have never known you would show such keen interest in such affairs. People these days are so uniquely interesting.

The picture above is a short film that you should watch. Go to you'll have to scroll down a little.


  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    mmm mmm mmm she's getting it on, and i don't mean that easily. well anyways i'm gonna be soo way kooler than her because i'm gonna have 21 kids so tell you great grandma(ha ha) to take that. anyways so which magazine cover are your sexy pictures going on?
    or are there gonna be more than one??? anyways...(thinking)... oh yeah did you do that paris hilton picture like i told you too??? ooooo so what happened after whats his face left and how was it with the other whats it face?

  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger bella said…


    Your posts are WONDERFUL. Fun to read, well-written with a dash of spice and verve. Excellent response the the ad assignment and a first-rate current events posting.

    grade: A


  • At 10:24 AM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    yo ashley your not a wanna be russian your a russian a.k.a. wanna be russian!

  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    ashley your not a wanna be russian your a wussian a.k.a. wanna be russian.

  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    what comment did i contradict myself on? gosh i barely even know what contradict means. can't u use dumb words like dumb for instince?

  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    oh well i was reading this thing and i decided that you really need to learn about who you talking about those Australian people are your friends and you better not become enimies with them cause they'll throw kangaroos uip at russia and kill you!

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Dana Webb said…

    yeah well you contradicted yourself on the "Russian" contradicting thing too so there.!
    i said that you were a wussian.


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