Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Joe Mama!

That's right! Janise Wulf, a sixty-two year old woman, Redding resident, gave birth to Adam Charles Wulf. Aren't you proud to say you live three hours away from this women? America has to be totally awesome if we have hospitals like Mercy Medical Centre letting old women get virto fertilization and then a caesarean section. This women is extraordinary! She is a mother of twelve, well was, two died. Then come thirty grandchildren and now three great grandchildren. She is a diabetic and blind. She has a three year old, Ian also. She brought Adam into this world so that she Ian would have a sibling, because as the wise woman says " I hate to raise one alone." She must be quite a hottie, having Scott a forty-eight year old as her third husband. Scott cool too, because he is only eight years older than Janise's eldest. Still Janise rocks, because she is now one of the oldest women to give birth but unfortunately, Adriana Iliescu of Romania (66), and Acheli Keh of California (63) beat her, but, Rosanna Della Corte of Italy (62) tied her. This information I did not read in a local, California, or US paper, but an Australian one! All information from

I'm sorry this is just disgusting! I respect my elders, but you guys got to learn when you've gone too far. Those poor doctors having to see new flesh against, well you know. Poor Adam, man when he's a youngster his mama is going to die! Before she does, he'll have evil little children make 'Joe mama' jokes at him. 'Hey Adam, joe mama so old that before sex she has to check her blood pressure!' I mean come think about us youngsters! Scott, man he must be ugly! I mean not only did he marry an old lady, but a blind one too. That's sad that you can't get laid by just an old lady, but she has to be blind too. I guess I should thank God he's not groping me or other innocent females. I mean most people that are that desperate are rapists. Australians, I would have never known you would show such keen interest in such affairs. People these days are so uniquely interesting.

The picture above is a short film that you should watch. Go to you'll have to scroll down a little.
Just Say No to Danish Legos!

Due to the offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad which were published by an independent Danish newspaper, Muslims have boycotted all Danish products, including the beloved Legos. Many supermarkets in many countries around the Middle East have put up signs saying ' Do not buy any Danish products' or they just have taken Danish products of the shelves. This boycott, the Muslims say, will not come to an end until the Danish government publishes a formal apology. The Danish government says they have no business with the newspaper, that did apologize, but published the cartoon, citing freedom of speech. This boycott has not only caused controversy, but also, great losses for the Danish incorporations. They're grossings this year will be lower by a couple of millions. One twenty-three year old Danish man, by the name of Tijl Vercaemer, has started his own website ( to help the Danish incorporations by selling stickers. The price of the stickers range from one to fifteen dollars. Vercaemer says it is not to financially help the Danish corporations, but raise morale. Intentions, however, exceeded, the corporations say that the 'Buy Danish' campaigns could bring more income then they will lose in the boycott. All information from

At first I was with the Muslims, because you can't do dissing a people's Prophet, that's just like Bush writing his own speeches; terrible beyond belief! Besides, it doesn't hurt to say sorry, unless you have a cold or something, and I'm sure one Danish government official doesn't have a cold. Then I read where the newspaper said sorry. I changed sides. Go Danish people! First they did apologize, and they have the right to making cartoons about Muhammad. If they did a cartoon with Satan, do you think any of this would happen? No, but Satan is some people's superior or whatever. Besides, if you don't like something just say no. Say no I cannot see Prophet Muhammad in cartoons and walk away. The Muslims say they are afraid of idolarty, well you weren't publishing them, so let the Danish get punished, its effect will be greater than your boycott. This just goes to far.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Russian 9/11 Without the Terrorists and Planes

February 13, the beloved and historical the Pravda complex was severly burnt. The history of this building goes back to tthe 1930's. It was the home to the propanganda of the Soviet Communist Party Committee. It was a work place for many newpapers and other news covering literature. The fire broke out at 10:30 a.m. in the computer techicans room. No one was killed, but a hand full had to hospitalized. Many employees claim to not have noticed nor heard any sounds indicating fire. The cafeteria workers had to stay in the complex a little longer than the other workers. Others were in the cold, Russian winter with a light sweater on only. People say the complex will be rebuilt to look the same, because it was a historical monument and it was the prime example of the city's (Moscow) constructivist architecture. As you can tell it was a tragic day, not nearly close to the tragedy felt on 9/11, but that title was only to get your attention. Full story from:

The story seems very sad. When I saw the picture shown , I was reminded of 9/11. The story was tragic, but I found it so interesting to know that a lot of publicators were stationed there. No worries though, many publicators have other places ot work out of. I found the cafeteria dishwasher, Nikolai Afanasyev a very interesting man. He complained of the nasty feeling that all the smoke gave him and of course that is quite understandable. But what was funny was he complained but in the report it stated also that he recovered with a cigarette and some cognac, brought to him by a coworker.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Too Many Consumer's Rights or Just Loopholes?

In Russia many companies have been dealing with lawsuits against them. Some agrue that it is because the companies could care less for the consumer and others say the consumers just want money. The latest case of such going ons is the sukhariki rat. Sukhariki is a salted bread snack that costs six rubles, or tweny-five cents, and the three men that barfed after seeing a rat in thier snack are trying to get fifty million rubles, or 1.7 million dollars. They lack evidence which could point to they had made this incident up all by themselves. This case once again raises the rights and doing of consumers and companies. The comapnies makes a good point that some of the rights that consumers have are absurd. Reasons as to why so many cases are being filed againist companies are basically summed up to three. One, being that companies have no rights compared to consumers. Two consumers do not have to pay a court fee when suing a company. Three the most obvious reason, consumers want money and lots of it. Ridiculous cases such as McDonalds being sued for having too small a label saying warning it's hot coffee. Yep, just like us Americans, and you thought you were better. For full story go to

From the article I read it did seem that the consumers have it way too easy. There were some good examples when the consumer needed to sue, but way more examples when the consumer must have been mentally ill or unstabled. I don't think the consumers realize what their fraud can do. It can close all the companies down then no products at all. The article stated that Western companies were more likely to take back a product because they care about their image and they can afford to lose a little bit of money. Small companies cannot. This is a big problem. Russia needs to have more regulations so Russian don' t do the American thing and go on a suing spree. What is this world coming to when people put rats in thier food?

German Death Nurse

After a series of mysterious deathes in Kempten, Germany justice is has finally come into sight. Stephan L, a twenty-seven male nurse, confesses he injected lethal combinations into several patients. The number being to great, that he cannot remember. He none like Americans, actually say that it was because of their own judgement well in a normal state of mind. Basically, he did not claim to hear voices in his head telling him to combine narkosemittel and a breathing restaining medicine and then inject it into patients. He admits to using his own descretion as when patients need to pass away into the next world. He is not getting away easily as this is the largest series of murders of German post war history. He's charges are as follows:" 16-facher murder, twelvefold homicide, a toetung on demands." Complete story and all information and quotes from

I'm not sure if Germany has laws againist assisted suicide, but from the sounds of this story it doesn't sound like it does. This story amazes me in every way. First we have a story that is just horrifing. Then we have a criminal who blames only his sane self for the crime. This criminal is only twenty-seven and is a nurse. He's nurse who feels he can give out death prescriptions to patients. Most American nurses would be unsure of themsleves and not have the confidence to give out prescriptions of any kind. Not only is he a nurse but he's young. Only twenty-seven and his career has already be corrupted. I didn't understand the charges. I tried to look them up in a dictionary but no such words. This German story I found very hard to understand as with my Russian stories I have no problem. It might have to do with the translation. With both my Russian and German stories I find a lot of stories very queer to my American lenses. These countries deal with problems that I'm not so sure America would have to deal with, but who knows.
Super Bowl Censorship Too Much or Too Little?

Millions of viewers onFebruary 6, 2006 tuned into their televisions to watch the half time show featuring the legendary band the Rolling Stones. As Rolling Stone fans know their lyrics aren't what you would call pure but you wouldn't call them explicit either. The censorship that ABC put on the band, however, made it sound as if they were. Mick Jagger, the leading singer says that the censorship was ridiculous. Brian McCarthy, the NFL spokesman, says that the group was aware of the censorship. But just because they knew about it doesn't mean they liked or agreed with it. We all know about the lack of censorship the Super Bowl has shown us but is this an over kill. The men of Rolling Stones don't have breasts to flash so whats the big deal with lyrics that imply sexual conduct. If we were to censor that, we, Americans would basically have nothing to watch on television. Another thing about this since the Janet Jackson breast exposure the Super Bowl half time shows have been awfully safe. Take last year, with Paul McCarthy. That was way too safe to go for. When you think of football you don't think about an old man playing the piano. No! You think of rock stars. Information from either myself or

If you haven't figured out by the spin I put on my summary I believe the censorship was ridiculous. Seriously, by this age you can understand such lyrics as ' I can't get no girlie action', but if your five your like what? So what was the point of censoring out indications of sex in the lyrics. Lets say you were a genius when you were five and you did know. Do you really catch all the lyrics to a song when you here them for a first time? Getting off of the subject of five year olds lets move on to older people. As I have said earlier Rolling Stones are legendary so chances of people being fans is big. Chances are you probably know some of the dirty lyrics so leaving them out doesn't mean anything to you. You know what was said in that big gap. Going back to youngsters, if your a parent then you probably know what kind of things are said in a Rolling Stones song, so get your kids out of the room! It's ridiculous. To me censorship of any kind is dumb. Was I offended by Janet's boob, no, I was shocked but it gave me some thing to talk about. One day you will see or hear dirty things, so does it matter when? If you've ever meet someone totally ignorant then you know that they're usually annoying so really do us a favor and flash boobs on televisions!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Diabetes of Cleveland

The Cleveland brothers, Robert and Gerald have been living with diabetes since they were young. Robert is now eighty-six and has been on a diabetic diet since he was five. Gerald is also on a diabetic diet and has been since he was sixteen and is now ninety. People with diabetes do not live as long with diabetes as these two brothers. Yes, genetics had a minor role in their survival but their strict diet and plenty of exercise plays a bigger role. These two avoid starch and sugar but get in the way of exercise, even at their elderly age. Robert is an avid bicyclist as Gerald goes to an exercise group for the elderly. Both men have gone through the several changes of dealing with diabetes. From the glass and thick steel syringes, from insulin with loaded impurities, and having to urinate for sugar content. Both men have a couple of cuts an bruises due to their health condition. One injury they share is the problems that diabetes brings down to your feet and thus both have had toes amputated. Gerald has had his blood sugar soar and caused a fever which hindered his ability to fight infections. He also had his blood sugar go extremely low that caused him to grew dizzy and cut his head. He undergoes surgery to prevent his hands going into permanent fists. Robert has also suffered from low blood sugar which nearly caused him his life but instead gave him a coma. Both brothers share the secret ingredient to staying alive, their wives, Gerald's wife, unfortunately has passed away. For complete story go to

This story hit home, as I have a very high risk of getting diabetes since on both of parents' sides have a history of playing with the disease. These kinds of stories give hope to people with or without diabetes. It gives you hope that the human body can fight against such odds. The two brothers talk to youngsters with diabetes which helps the process of spreading hope. These men have endured diets that I am sure myself and others would struggle to keep. All I have to say to the elderly men is 'keep on truckin'!
Russian Army converting to Russian Orthodox?

The Russian army hopes to recruit Orthodox chaplains in order to increase morale. The Russians like the Americans believe in separation of church and state. So obviously other religious are making this point. They also accuse the Orthodox church of trying to monopolize their religion in the army. You would think that the Orthodox church would only be guilty in having believers in high places in the military. Wrong, the Orthodox church is calling other religions such as Protestants cults. This war isn't obviously just between the the Orthodox church and other religions, but surprisingly the army has a minor role ( I'm being sarcastic about the surprising and minor part.). The amry's agrument is that in units that have an Orthodox church, have less rates of suicide and hazing than in ones that don't. The army is split in two, however. The people in the army of other religions do not appreciate being ostracize. So as you see two wars are being fought. What does the President of Russia have to say about this? I'm sorry to say that he did not directly say anything about the Orthodox church. However, he did comment that the army needs to have better moral education. All information obtained from

I do think it is a good idea for the army to have the Orthodox chaplains recruited. However, I do believe that the army should also provide members or workers, whatever you call them, from other religions also enlisted. Give them a choice and don't make them feel ostracize. That way all people of any religion can have morale. The people who don't have religion can just not participate. One thing that I was interesting was that a person in military cannot participate in any religious activity while in active duty, they must do so as a private citizen. I understand that this law was created to leave out this problem that Russians are currently dealing with, but I think its gone too far. Let them practice what they want, they're out there risking their lives for Russia. So basically what I am trying to convey to you is that religion, any one, is good for the army. It keeps their troops going.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Neo- Nazi, Homophobic, and Racist Jacob Robida

Imgaine, your a homosexual, your chillin' with your love in a gay bar and up comes this little eighteen year old punk armed with a hatchet and gun who out of now just starts attacking as many of you as possible. Sounds terrible, doesn't? Well, unfortunately in Bedford, Massachusetts thats exactly what happened and even worse that little punk hasn't been punished. Jacob Robida, an eighteen year old neo- Nazi who is both homophobic and racist againist Africans, attacked several customers of Puzzles Louge, leaving three seriously injured. Police are on a man hunt looking for Jacob, in great fear he will attack again. As in my first blog, the Russian Synagogue stabbings, this crime brings a harsh reminder that there are still intolerant people out there. For the homosexuals they have to be so careful and are fearful, so fearful they don't evn walk to their cars alone. So if your one of those intolerant idiots let me tell you something, just because you attack homosexuals doesn't mean homosexuality will come to an end, n fact all you do is make yourselfg look like a complete moron. This crime happened in Massachusetts of all states. Massuchesettes has a federal law that extends the meaning of hate crime to include poeple's sexual orietation. Story at

Let me ask you something. Why is it that hetrosexuals attack homosexuals and still put themselves higher than the homosexuals? How could you beat the living the crap crap out of someone and still look in the mirror and say I being straight am better than he who is gay? Why is there so much hatred againist homosexuals, they've never picked on someone hetrosexual? Oh, becuase it's wrong and you have never done anything wrong and therefore have earned the right to say whats wrong and whats right.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Injecting Silicon A High Risk?

As you know, and if you don't you should, that silicon has become a neccasity to many American women. From the breats up to the face it can be ptu in there, either by injection or surgery. For the face silicon oil, as they call it, is injected. It has long lasting results, but not always good. For every thousand patients injected, there are four of whom recieve bumps, inflammation, or ridges. The static is very low, but so many praticianers have different views. One said it is not worth the risk as another say it is. One says such side affects only occur because of malpractice, others disagree. One practicianer agrued it's just gravity, but if it's gravity that women are fighting againist why do they use it? What are aging or just unfortunate looking American women going to do? The idea of silicon is becoming more favorable to practicianers. More favorable it may be, the practioners still worry and wonder if the patient will be happy with thier results until they pass away. Complete story from:

I would never do plastic surgery due to the fact the whole ordeal scares the living daylights out of me. Therefore I do not feel it it it wrong, just that I would never do it. If you got the guts to do it, go for it! Let's say I had the guts to go under the knife. I wouldn't because then after being cut or injected, I'm still scared of the results it could bring. You've heard the stories where people go in looking in normal, but then come out looking like road kill. I consider myself to be okay looking, not great nor terrible. I would not risk that to look better. Bad results do not only mean external problems, but internal also. If I were to get implants then I could run the risk of having one of the implants open and if not removed soon enough, death. No! I'm not going to risk my life for a double D bra!

Russian Adverstisment Bill

The Russian bill of adverstisong is once again a hot issue. This bill regu;ates what can and cannot be adverstised. Two big industries, if the bill passes, will be hit hard, extremely hard. First there is the adverstising of beer. This bill prohibits beer to be adverstised. Just imagaine that, no holiday Budwiser commericals or Super Bowl commericals! The beer industry, however, makes a very interesting point. If they no longer can adverstis, the sports compitetions cannot either, as the beer industry sponsors that. Then there is the adverstising of junk food on children programs. No Mickey D's, no Chips Ahoy!, and no Dr. Pepper commericals. What would the most obese country ( U.S. of course) do without them? Like the beer industry, the junk food industry supports children television. The last issue this bill hits, is the issue i don't quiet, understand. The bill, if passed, will ban all billboards. Why? I know some have some nasty stuff on them, but what about the car billboards, or store billboards? They believe this out of all the bans will be the least likely to be allowed. Story from:

This bill I find is very interesting. At first I thought, never in America, but look at our country. We can't say damn on the television, becasue God knows that no American would have never heard that word if it weren't for the television. I mean a bill like this is already kind of enforced and will probably progress as time goes on. A ban on beer? No, without beer we lose some American tradition. Budwiser commericals have become a tradition. Even if you don't like beer you have to admit those commericals are off the hook. The ban on junk food adverstisments, I feel is a good thing. I mean if the parents won't put their two hundred, okay overwieght kid, on Jenny Craig somebody has to save them from a heart attack at age twenty-five. The billborad as I have said I don't understand, but I don't think will ever happen in America. I mean what would Times Square be without billboards. This bill couls help the American society in a lot of ways, but if we get carried on it could harm us. Also we have the right to press, but there should be some kind of restrictions, because some people just don't know when they have gone too far.
Iraqi Wives Seized To Round Up Husbands

The U.S. Army have seized eleven women, all of which were wives to suspected insurgents. This tactic has been proved by most recent documents and emails of military personals. One one case a women had three young children, one of which was six months old. Signs that read “Come and get your wife", have been tact upon the insurgent’s doors. The kidnapping of journalist Jill Carroll has put this issue in the hot seat. They threaten to kill unless all wives are freed. Military claims this is false but the evidence is there. Sounds like Bush three days after Katrina; ' We had no idea about the damage Katrina would bring.'
I believe this tactics of detaining a suspected insurgent's wife to get hold of the insurgent, could be very efficient but efficient it maybe, it is not right. It is not right to punish the wife when she has done no wrong. It would be like failing you on a test when you received an A only because your study buddy did not pull through. It's said totally preposterous. It is! Maybe you do believe it is right to this. Well let me ask you if it was right first why did the military cover it up and deny it. Second, why don't police detain a love one of a runaway criminal to get that criminal? Why? The military knows it and you probably know it, but are being contradictory, that the military's tactics is wrong. Yes or buts, it's wrong.

Full story from :

Friday, January 20, 2006

Freezing Holy Water
On Wednesday night and early Thursday in Moscow, believers of Russian Orthodox, politicans seeking publicity, and just crazy peolpe ( not literally), took a freezing dip in the Bezdonnoye Ozero. The temparute of the water was four celcius with air temperatures of negative thirty degrees celcius. Some peolpe took a quick deep then hurried to get warm, others, however, just acted like it was swimming in normal conditions. The men wore speedos and the women, not sure, but any bathsuit is not warm Reasons why as people do this. First there is the beleivers who believe that any water blessed on this day can serve for baptismal water. This process is beleived to cleanse peole of their sins. The politicans as I said are seeking publicity and the crazy people do it for recreation. Information from :
This ritual I feel is kind of crazy, but it seems like fun, well if you consider daring fun. I'd do it just for the adrenline kick. I'd be the quick dippers, I wouldn't be acting like its at a normal swimming temperature. What I found to be interesting is that one women stated in the news report that she feared getting sick, but not because it's terrible to get sick, but because if you get sick then it supposedly shows lack of faith. Big deal you may think, but then for the rest of your life or until the next dipping, you have to defend your faith. You have to defend that you beleive in God totally. Then there's your own doubt as the whether this belief is right and your faith is lacking. You'll have to decide to ignore this beleif and believe your faith is A okay or try to reconnect with the Lord. Either way you go through some sort of turmoil.