Current Events That SHOULD Interest You

These are current events, that were current when posted. They interested me so I wrote sbout them and hopefully Mr. Irwin gave me an A on them. I do three each week. One Russian story, because currently I am in love with one, the second from Yahoo! lastest news on their homepage, and the other is just selected from wherever I feel like.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Injecting Silicon A High Risk?

As you know, and if you don't you should, that silicon has become a neccasity to many American women. From the breats up to the face it can be ptu in there, either by injection or surgery. For the face silicon oil, as they call it, is injected. It has long lasting results, but not always good. For every thousand patients injected, there are four of whom recieve bumps, inflammation, or ridges. The static is very low, but so many praticianers have different views. One said it is not worth the risk as another say it is. One says such side affects only occur because of malpractice, others disagree. One practicianer agrued it's just gravity, but if it's gravity that women are fighting againist why do they use it? What are aging or just unfortunate looking American women going to do? The idea of silicon is becoming more favorable to practicianers. More favorable it may be, the practioners still worry and wonder if the patient will be happy with thier results until they pass away. Complete story from:

I would never do plastic surgery due to the fact the whole ordeal scares the living daylights out of me. Therefore I do not feel it it it wrong, just that I would never do it. If you got the guts to do it, go for it! Let's say I had the guts to go under the knife. I wouldn't because then after being cut or injected, I'm still scared of the results it could bring. You've heard the stories where people go in looking in normal, but then come out looking like road kill. I consider myself to be okay looking, not great nor terrible. I would not risk that to look better. Bad results do not only mean external problems, but internal also. If I were to get implants then I could run the risk of having one of the implants open and if not removed soon enough, death. No! I'm not going to risk my life for a double D bra!

Russian Adverstisment Bill

The Russian bill of adverstisong is once again a hot issue. This bill regu;ates what can and cannot be adverstised. Two big industries, if the bill passes, will be hit hard, extremely hard. First there is the adverstising of beer. This bill prohibits beer to be adverstised. Just imagaine that, no holiday Budwiser commericals or Super Bowl commericals! The beer industry, however, makes a very interesting point. If they no longer can adverstis, the sports compitetions cannot either, as the beer industry sponsors that. Then there is the adverstising of junk food on children programs. No Mickey D's, no Chips Ahoy!, and no Dr. Pepper commericals. What would the most obese country ( U.S. of course) do without them? Like the beer industry, the junk food industry supports children television. The last issue this bill hits, is the issue i don't quiet, understand. The bill, if passed, will ban all billboards. Why? I know some have some nasty stuff on them, but what about the car billboards, or store billboards? They believe this out of all the bans will be the least likely to be allowed. Story from:

This bill I find is very interesting. At first I thought, never in America, but look at our country. We can't say damn on the television, becasue God knows that no American would have never heard that word if it weren't for the television. I mean a bill like this is already kind of enforced and will probably progress as time goes on. A ban on beer? No, without beer we lose some American tradition. Budwiser commericals have become a tradition. Even if you don't like beer you have to admit those commericals are off the hook. The ban on junk food adverstisments, I feel is a good thing. I mean if the parents won't put their two hundred, okay overwieght kid, on Jenny Craig somebody has to save them from a heart attack at age twenty-five. The billborad as I have said I don't understand, but I don't think will ever happen in America. I mean what would Times Square be without billboards. This bill couls help the American society in a lot of ways, but if we get carried on it could harm us. Also we have the right to press, but there should be some kind of restrictions, because some people just don't know when they have gone too far.
Iraqi Wives Seized To Round Up Husbands

The U.S. Army have seized eleven women, all of which were wives to suspected insurgents. This tactic has been proved by most recent documents and emails of military personals. One one case a women had three young children, one of which was six months old. Signs that read “Come and get your wife", have been tact upon the insurgent’s doors. The kidnapping of journalist Jill Carroll has put this issue in the hot seat. They threaten to kill unless all wives are freed. Military claims this is false but the evidence is there. Sounds like Bush three days after Katrina; ' We had no idea about the damage Katrina would bring.'
I believe this tactics of detaining a suspected insurgent's wife to get hold of the insurgent, could be very efficient but efficient it maybe, it is not right. It is not right to punish the wife when she has done no wrong. It would be like failing you on a test when you received an A only because your study buddy did not pull through. It's said totally preposterous. It is! Maybe you do believe it is right to this. Well let me ask you if it was right first why did the military cover it up and deny it. Second, why don't police detain a love one of a runaway criminal to get that criminal? Why? The military knows it and you probably know it, but are being contradictory, that the military's tactics is wrong. Yes or buts, it's wrong.

Full story from :

Friday, January 20, 2006

Freezing Holy Water
On Wednesday night and early Thursday in Moscow, believers of Russian Orthodox, politicans seeking publicity, and just crazy peolpe ( not literally), took a freezing dip in the Bezdonnoye Ozero. The temparute of the water was four celcius with air temperatures of negative thirty degrees celcius. Some peolpe took a quick deep then hurried to get warm, others, however, just acted like it was swimming in normal conditions. The men wore speedos and the women, not sure, but any bathsuit is not warm Reasons why as people do this. First there is the beleivers who believe that any water blessed on this day can serve for baptismal water. This process is beleived to cleanse peole of their sins. The politicans as I said are seeking publicity and the crazy people do it for recreation. Information from :
This ritual I feel is kind of crazy, but it seems like fun, well if you consider daring fun. I'd do it just for the adrenline kick. I'd be the quick dippers, I wouldn't be acting like its at a normal swimming temperature. What I found to be interesting is that one women stated in the news report that she feared getting sick, but not because it's terrible to get sick, but because if you get sick then it supposedly shows lack of faith. Big deal you may think, but then for the rest of your life or until the next dipping, you have to defend your faith. You have to defend that you beleive in God totally. Then there's your own doubt as the whether this belief is right and your faith is lacking. You'll have to decide to ignore this beleif and believe your faith is A okay or try to reconnect with the Lord. Either way you go through some sort of turmoil.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

-30 Celicious
In Moscow, 119 people have died due to the extremely cold weather. But the citizens of Moscow are in surprisely good moods. For some businesses, sales have went crazy, bringing lots of money in. As for the ice cream industry, they're just saving,by not having to use so much freezes. The metro, any stores selling generators have made big profits. The report did not say this but I believe that any stores selling alochlic drinks have made a profit also. They say not to drink vodka but cognac, because it warms the blood. The zoo, however, did not listen. They gave an elephant a bucket of vodka to warm it up. People's clothes have also been put to use as people are wearing more to be more warm. However, Gas industry is slowing down a little. This kind of wheather has not happened since 1950, but that lasted only three days, they expect it shall last long than that.
Wow! The appeal Russia has! Not, geez, I don't want to get frostbite on four fingers while talking on the a cell phone in the street like one citizen did. This just amazes and terrifies me. I don' think I'll ever even consider moving to Russia. I can't even stand the cold here. I hate wearing winter clothes too. They make you look fat and the designers never make them look attractive. The report also said that a couple of apartment buildings and a few businesses are without warm water or heaters. I could never live like that. Uh, I would have to go to some hotel that would cost me a bunch of money to stay warm in. I probably won't have that money.
Enough of my trash talk about Russia. Russia is appealing in other ways. Like the hot men, best vodka, and the tight clothes that are in. Awesome!
All information and complete story at

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Three of the best Warriors; Baron Davis, Troy Murphy, and Jason Richardson, are up to be the starters for the 55th NBA All- Star Game. Fans will have to vote for these three or their chances are close to nothing. With competion like Kobe Byrant, Mike Bibby and, Manu Ginobili, they will be desperatly needing votes. The Warriors haven't been in the run since 1997. Davis and Richardson make a great court duet as where Murphy goes alone. All pull their team to together and recover them from years of losing. But can they win when its the fans trun to pull through.
I personally was going to vote but then it said I needed an acount that I don't possess. So go figure! It was tough being a Warriors fan for a while because they always lost. Then they started winning and it was like in your face to all the other teams, especially when they beat the Kings and Lakers last season. They are truly an amazing team. They went from losing streaks to winning streaks. I hope one if not all three win, I have faith because in some weird way they always pull through. I think these three players should win becaus they are awesome and Kobe and Mike and all the others get too much publicity as is so they need to give it up.
My favorite player is Mike Dunleavy number 34! He reminds of Shaggy from Scooby- Doo. He is a good player though, don't get me wrong. He gets sweaty really easily and then he looks kind of scary.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Clenbuterol is a pill orginally used on horses for asthma, but has been used to lose wait. This pill, if taken by a human being, makes the person very skinny, quickly. At first only body builders used it, because you lost fat and not muscle. Most recently, however, it is used by celebrities. We've all seen the magazines' So and so is skinnier then so ans so. So and so has gained five pounds!'. The pressure on celebrities is so heavy they will do to deadly measures to look thin. The pill is illegal, but it sold and discussed widely on the web. When being sold, the comuster is not informed of its deadly side affects. The side affects include nerve spasm or the effect of ' three pots of coffee'. The pill, if taken long enough can kill a person.My opinion as always; why die fat if you can die skinny! It's ridulcous what extreme measures celebraties will go to loss weight. It's even more riduclous is the magazines. First the magazine will say so and so has gained wieght, look at that fat peice of lard!' Then when the celebratity does lose wieght then the magazine writes ' Fought blemaia or anerexia why did they go through that? The media puts lots of pressure on them to be thin'. They acknowledge they might have been the reason of someone's eating disorder but act as though they could care less. It's totally absurb! And when the media says some one is fat, the celebratity usually has the average wieght.Another question is what is happening to stop this drug from being sold? The problem has been made public and no reports say that any actions to stop it have been made. So it leaves to wonder whats going on. I mean we get in an uproar when we see Janet Jaskson's boob, but when we hear about a pill that is dangerous and is being marketed without telling the customer the side affects we do nothing. Janet's breast didn't kill anyone and we went into an immediate uproar, but now we're just like oh really wow. I don't understand.All my information was from

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I don't understand the whole point of this crime. I mean I do understand that this was a hate crime towards the Jews, but why. What have the Jews ever do anybody? Why is it always the Jews being attacked. First we have Hilter and now crimes like these. Why Jews? Why not Christians who go on missions to 'save' people? If I were going to attack any religious group it would be the Christians. I'm a Christian, but I see so many wholes in the beliefs that are enforced by a pastor and not written in the Bible. Take my pastor for example. One of his sermons was about nowadays people don't take a rest. They don't celebrate Sunday as a Sabbath day. He talked about how stores should be closed on Sundays. I was totally shocked. I mean what kind of idiot would make that agrument in America. Did he forget not all Americans are Christians and as Americans we have the freedom of religion? Ideas like that have occurred time again. Always the Christians saying 'Hey you need to turn Christian because your religion is wrong and mine is right'. Look in history books; look at current events. Homosexuality. Gay marriage can't be legal because the Bible says it's a sin.What is it about Jews? Is it the fact that Jews don't decorate their homes at Christmas? What a terrible thing! We can't have that can we? What is it with the Europeans and Jews? Why this hatred? I could understand a Jewish killing some Germans. I mean its still wrong but you would know why so much hatred.What I really want to know is how stupid a person must be to have the perspective that everyone from a certain ethnic or religious group or any group, must be as terrible as that one who wronged you. How could you think well I killed a couple of people but who cares they were Jews or any group? It total bogus!Go to to read full story.
# posted by Ashley Tinsley @ 8:04 PM
Hey, you stole my fucking story!!!!!!!!!!!
# posted by Richard U. Pickman : 9:57 PM
Greetings, o' unsaved one, and may the gods bless your steps...I am Rizeer, Headleader of and organization called the Order of the Rising Sun, and organization devoted to the downfall of the Republicrat's rule of lies over Subtopia. If you would like to learn more about our organization, go to ORDERSUN.BLOGSPOT.COM......Expect more...
# posted by Rizeer : 9:59 PM
Leave you freak of nature I'll find u & neutur u!!!!!
# posted by Ashley Tinsley : 9:30 AM
U no wat alton if ur gonna leave such comment at l;et have the guts 2 say ur real name! altsan77!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

An apartment complex in Modesto, Califorina on Tuesday, January 10,2006 three men held six to eight people on the floor at gunpoint. While the residents lied on the floor the three men stole money and possiblably drugs. One resident opened fire on one of the three men and wounded the man and vis versa. Staff of the apartment say this is a quiet nieghborhood and police reports say only nine calls to there in the last thirty years. The police are investigating if drugs were sold out of any homes, which could be a huge factor. Two of the three men were caught.

I come from Modesto and this is not surprising. I'm not saying that Modesto was dangerous or a bad place but such things don't cease to amaze me. Still I get this icky feeling inside. It always saddens me when drugs are involved. I'm not sure exactly why but hearing about people doing drugs and and fighting always gave me this weird sad feeling. I think it saddens me because I see what low levels people will go to. People will snort a little crack and ruin their lives. They act like they don't care. You see them and its sickening. I just wished people weren't so careless about their life and future. Then things like this happen and end up hurting the innocent people.
As the famous saying goes what comes around goes around and while going around smacks a couple of innocent people. It's one thing for some one not to care about themselves, but not caring about another person's safety is just incredibly selfish. You always here the same story, ' Oh if I just knew this would happen I wouldn't have done that'. So it's just a wonder as to what goes through people heads when the sell or buy drugs. They mine as well stab a couple like Alexander Koptsev. Moral of the story if your going to drugs do it by yourself in an extremely remote area.

All information from